A Fucking Investment Ch. 14


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Her name was Cassie Angorra. Cassie, short for Cassiopeia the constellation and classical Greek character. She was a professor at the local college. Devoted to her job, she refused to quit, even as her financial situation worsened. Cassie lived alone. Of the women of Holdingsfield, she was the only true widow. Her story was sad. Her husband had a gambling habit and ended up leveraging every stitch of their assets to pay an increasing pony debt. In the end, he committed suicide to escape the debt. Hers was a sad story.

All this did not come out till Cassie began to arrange the funeral. Her husband had the money, unique among the women of Holdingsfield. As the last to sign into the development and the board had made an exception, allowing a man with money into the enclave rather than a woman. They did it to get access to the cash the Angorras brought to the table just as the economy was crumpling. They were in danger of losing a considerable deposit on the rest of the land if they did not close and the Angorra's cash sealed the deal and the fate of them all. I was the grim reaper, come to harvest pussy from the otherwise fallow fields of Holdingsfield.

Cassie and her family had no real money, not like the other women. She was not moneyed royalty of any sort. She borrowed from her family for the funeral. His family had long since dismissed Gordon as a layabout and a profligate unworthy of their family or fortune. Cassie entreated them for help to defray his bills but they ignored her as though she were homeless and afflicted with lice.

She relied for a couple years on her own family and bled them dry keeping herself afloat. They had finally refused her and now she was close to the sun as the saying goes, and her wax was melting. Soon her Icarus wings would flutter into shards and she would fall away, down, I hoped, into my lustful arms.

Still, every day she rose and went to work, teaching community courses to a mixed group of students, English Lit and Writing. Crowley had warned me she needed signed immediately as the default was pending. He did not need to visit and pressure her, the pressure was already present, real and looming. The scarlet bra and the note illustrated well, the condition of her finances. She had thrown in the towel, or more poetically, she had pitched in her bra.

I rang the doorbell. Mrs. Grayson stood just behind and to my right. I felt her like a planet feels its moon, creating tides on my skin that I felt certain would affect Mrs. Angorra should she come close enough.

The door opened.

Mrs. Angorra was on the phone. She nodded to me, talking all the while but then focused on Mrs. Grayson and her eyes flicked to me, like a whip snapping over the heads of slaves.

"She's with me." I said softly.

After a brief hesitation, Mrs. Angorra nodded and backed away. "No, no the course will be offered next year too. If you drop out, no, no, I don't know that but I..." She turned away to address whatever confusion required her attention.

"She's very attractive." Mrs. Grayson said from behind me. "In a wholesome, country squire's daughter sort of way."

The back of my neck tickled and I almost swiped at it but managed to resist the ungainly urge, reflecting on how strange to feel her voice on my neck like that.

I moved into the dim house. Victoria closed the door behind us. Mrs. Angorra stood bumping her thighs against her dining table, a rickety affair that swayed with each gentle nudge, the Formica table with metal legs scooted with each sensuous bump of her body. I made a note not to fuck her on that thing.

Cassiopeia Angorra was an angular woman, with slender hips that had only the merest swell on the sides and were more or less flat on the back. She was virtually assless, so to speak. She had broad, angular shoulders, much like Victoria's. But where Victoria's body had mellifluous curves and distinct shapes, Cassie's body was planar. She had a round face and almost mousy brown hair, stringy and thin. The glasses she wore were the black rimmed glassed, they call NGLs in the military, never get laid, glasses. Her shoulders arched back, forming a bend in her back but she was too slight to be called swaybacked. A woman must have an ass of note to cause her back to sway so that when you plant your flag between her legs, she can fuck you by rolling back and forth on her bulbous ass.

Cassie had none of these things. What she did have was a round face that exactly matched the shape and nearly the size of her tits. They clung to her torso like afterthoughts, overcompensating for the minimalism of the rest of her body. They barely moved as she moved, despite the fact that she clearly wore no bra underneath the see through blouse. Presumably I held that in my hand. A red bra would have stood out like a spot light in the fog through her blouse.

Why women wear see-through blouses always defied me. But that moment, the moment when Cassie opened the door and her breasts shimmered behind the diaphanous texture of the white blouse, I understood. It was always a trap, always a tease, always a lure designed to draw you into the gravity well between their thighs. For my part, I always fell giggling into their foreboding clutches, confident I had the retrorockets sufficient to escape once I had explored her planets and planted my flag and plundered her riches.

I shivered. Standing there looking at Cassie's bare back through the blouse, I felt the chill of ardor flash through me. God, but I wanted to fuck somebody! When Cassie clicked off her phone, she stood with her back to me for several moments. When she turned, however, I had the full certainty that I would indeed fuck this woman and she would indeed enjoy it.

She smiled. She held out her hand. "I am Cassie Angorra. You must be Richard Gale."

I shook my head. "No. Not Richard. Joshua Gale."

"She means Dick Gale, cock." Victoria whispered sotto voce behind me.

I immediately felt foolish. No matter. Foolishly fucked and wisely fucked are both fucked. I took Cassie's hand. It was little with short fingers but strong. She shook my hand firmly and then dropped it, like she was tossing aside a smelly bra.

"So? You got my note? You are come to let me fill the prescription?"

I stared at her, sure I was missing something.

Her smile faded. "You didn't read it all? It was inside." She sounded disappointed.

I fished her note out of my pocket again. I unfolded it once. "I am ready to sign." It said, I read it aloud.

Cassie looked irate. "Open it the rest of the way." She said.

I did. Indeed, inside the second fold were more words. They read: "Here is your prescription. Come let me fill it for you and you can fill me."

I read it and looked up.

Cassie had a look of expectation and when I did not roll on my ass laughing, she looked disappointed. She shifted her eyes behind the glasses to Victoria. "Who's this?" She asked, making it an accusation as her deflection.

"An auditor." Victoria said softly, her velvet voice smoothing the moment. "I am here overseeing how Mr. Gale is spending his capital. He does have some accountability." She smiled what could only be described as a lascivious smile. "And on who."

"Whom." Cassie shot back. She looked at me. "Is that my contract?" She gestured at the folder in my hand, clutched together with her red bra.

"I nodded."

For a moment she stared as it, as though finally casting her eyes on a legendary artifact. She looked away and then met my eyes again. "Can I ask a question, about the, uh, contract, I mean."

In accordance with the story we were telling, I glanced askance at Victoria and she in perfect symphony nodded encouragingly and gestured. "Don't mind me. Just act as if I am not here. Please."

I looked back at Cassie. "Ask away."

She looked at Victoria. "Does, she, does she have to be here? I mean, oh never mind."

I think she shifted her question in that instant and I became curious.

"What do you really want from me. I mean, I mean, I have heard things, you know, from others, the others. They say, they say you want them to have sex with you. I mean, Valerie says, she says you kiss first, sign the contract and then fuck us? Is that right? Oh, I also heard you were only accepting ten of us, is that true? I thought maybe you wanted us all and were going to make us all hook for you, work off the debt like we were third worlders caught by the tits in the fishhead's nets." She grinned. "I read." She said and blushed. "If you have a library, it is by far the cheapest entertainment."

Indeed, her house, unlike the others I had been inside, had bookshelves on every bare wall, filled with all manner of books. I walked over to one shelf, trying to gain momentum.

Cassie spoke to my back. "I understand this, uh, this is a negotiation. Can I negotiate? That's what I want to ask. Can I? Negotiate, I mean, I know you, you want my body and you want to do whatever you want with me, but I am wondering if, if maybe I can negotiate some little bits for my own personal benefit."

I ran a finger across the spines of paperbacks on a shelf. "Like what?" I asked. "What do you have in mind?"

"I, well, Mr. Gale, I married Gordon as a virgin and he was a one dozen down and out, if I was lucky. I never had a chance to lose my breath before he was one and done. He loved to fuck and he did fuck, a lot but never more than a dozen good hard strokes, never more, I counted. The man was nothing if not consistent, one to twelve and pffft!. Then he made his mess and went back to doing whatever he was doing. He liked the swoop and pump approach. I never knew when he was going to undo my panties and shove his cock into me.

"Don't get me wrong, I liked that just fine but he wasn't a, a, a craftsman. I mean, I never got to get excited first and never came with him inside me. I didn't really figure out masturbation till after he, uh, died. You know, I wasn't raised to think coming was a female thing."

Her words felt like a confession. I turned around. I said nothing. She was looking at Victoria who was, like me, wandering around touching the many books on shelves. Cassie looked back at me.

"I am not much to look at." She said softly, "but I have great big beautiful tits. Gordon wasn't much of a tit man. I mean he liked them okay but he never touched them. I mean, he never sucked or licked or kissed them or put his dick between them and splattered cum on my chin or nothing like that." She nodded then, but I did not know what she was nodding at, like she was agreeing with herself.

"You have conditions?" I said finally into the twitching silence.

She seemed not to hear. She ran her hands up the lank belly of the blouse and cupped both breasts. She shook them and then looked up from them at me. "What do you think?" She asked, stopping so I knew it was not rhetorical.

"Nice." I said, put upon by the direct question.

"Mr. Gale, I won't lie to you. I, I don't have much experience when it comes to sex." She gestured at the bookshelves. "I read. That stuff is back in the bedroom. You know, erotica. I don't keep those sorts of books out here. I am really shy, Mr. Gale and I talk when I'm nervous. I have been a wreck ever since I hung that on your door. I canceled classes today so, so I could be here when you came, arrived! Arrived I mean. I, I know you said only ten but I was hoping, maybe, I'd qualify somehow." She got more fearful the more she talked.

"What provisions?" I asked.

Her eyes glittered through the glasses. "Oh. Oh you are asking me? Want a beer?"

I shrugged and nodded. Negotiation in this instance constituted exposure and I confess I did want this woman fully exposed. My god, what tits!

She looked at Victoria.

"Beer?" Victoria said, her voice a blend of curiosity and contempt. "Why not?" She looked at her jeweled wrist watch. "It's getting late."

Cassie flinched away from the table with a rattle and disappeared around the corner into the kitchen. The homes of Holdingsfield all had the same sort of layouts with some variations. Mostly, they used an open plan, like Mrs. Angorra's, very typical. Cassie's furnishings looked like a second hand store, homey, a bit cluttered but not in the least elegant. Hers looked like a country house for a country girl.

She reappeared with three dark bottles of beer with the big red XX on them. She handed one to Victoria who stared at the bottle like it was a big brown turd. I almost laughed. Cassie did not notice. She brought one to me and we clinked bottle necks and drank.

"Ah, that hits the spot." She grinned, shaking her head. "Middle of the week and I am having a beer but god, I am so nervous. I, I know what you want but I told myself I had to ask or I'd, I'd never get what I wanted."

Victoria took a tentative sip and her eyes widened. She took another, longer pull and then gulped more, drinking long from the bottle.

"What do you want?" I said to Cassie.

She glanced at Victoria who was staring down into the bottle before taking another long pull from it. Cassie answered the direct question. "I want to do two men at the same time. I want to have a cock in me in all the possible ways. I know of three but if there are more, then all of them. You, you give Mrs. Simpson what she wants, I just thought maybe you'd give me what I wanted. Along with the money I mean." She glanced at Victoria again.

Mrs. Grayson did not give any indication she heard anything Cassie had said. She pulled on the beer again and when she tipped it down, she sighed. She walked over to the table and set it down. "My goodness, that is pretty good stuff. Can I have another?" She tipped it up and drained it. She set it on the table and stared at it.

Cassie nodded and got another, twisting off the cap and leaving it on the table. Victoria picked the cap up and inspected it before placing the bottle to her lips. Her eyes caught mine. Hers flicked to Cassie who was looking at me. Victoria winked with one eye.

I knew that Crowley had gotten out in front of the foreclosure and was prepared to buy up the Angorra paper. He was a cheapskate of heroic proportions and never spent a dime when he did not have to. The time was arrived upon Mrs. Angorra, as she suggested. Still, up against it and uncertain of her status, she still wanted to negotiate, but I still felt like something was missing, something she wasn't telling me and I figured Victoria inhibited her, not that she appeared particularly inhibited. That was my best guess.

"Those things are pretty easy, except I am but one man and you have no husband to share you with." I had literally no experience sharing a woman with another man. That was new to me. Being who I am, I had never felt comfortable with another man nearby while I was incapacitated by the shivering goodness of an orgasm.

Too many people wanted to take advantage of me. I had used bindings and shackles more to help me keep track of where everyone was when I enjoyed two or more women, something I rarely did, at least beyond Holdingsfield. I liked the connection, the thrill of sharing pleasure with a woman and until I came to Holdingsfield, that remained a rare thing for me.

"Oh, of course." She glanced down at her two hands, twining them together below the shelf of her bosom.

I wondered vaguely if she could even see her hands, unless she held them out a ways...my way of expressing admiration for her impressive rack.

"It's just you. I know that. I knew that but, I thought, well, I could say it and see if you had a friend or something and, I have this fantasy of having a cock in my mouth while I am being fucked. You know, like, uh...." She tailed off. "Lost my train of thought." She looked up at me.

"I know, I am sort of insisting that you satisfy my fantasies as well as open your wallet and that should be the other way around but, but, I just thought that if you were planning on fucking all of us, you'd have plenty of time to get your fantasies fulfilled with Valerie or Liza or someone. Jennifer, for sure, god, who wouldn't have a fantasy about her! I mean really!"

"You do?"

My words worked like a smack on her cheek. Cassie's face tensed. "Oh no, I am not much into blonds." Her round cheeks immediately flushed scarlet. Her lank neck and the cleavage at its root did not show any color at all. It remained in her round cheeks. She put three fingers to her full lips. "Oh my, I guess I sort of flashed my panties there, didn't I? I really ain't much of a lady. I mean, I am not much of a lady, not really. I, I just haven't had the same experiences as the other women in this neighborhood." The blush, fading till that moment, returned.

We had been speaking, standing an arm's length apart, each with a beer in one hand. She drank. I drank. Victoria stood behind Cassie watching, drinking and listening.

"Do you want to sit down?" Cassie asked.

I nodded and did, sitting on the couch at my hip. It was old and the cushions were thin. I felt springs under my ass. She sat in the wing chair facing away from the patio doors. She had no covering over the patio, so the afternoon sun found its way into the house.

"Tell me about your fantasies." I felt like a perverted priest if that is not redundant, asking her to confess her deepest sexual desires. I doubted they could be very deep but they apparently were very specific.

Cassie nodded and pulled on the beer again, looked at it, drank from it again and then looked me straight in the eyes. "That other stuff, that would be great but whatever, you know? I, there is something I want, that I want to ask for, for you to include in the contract for my body. I know, I don't have nothing much but tits to negotiate with but I'll learn. Tell me what you want and I'll learn to do it. Let me watch, maybe, the first time, and, you know, I'll do my best."

I have to admit I was a little charmed; guarded too, I have to say but charmed nonetheless.

"See, when we first moved in, we were the last and they gave us a big party as part of the celebration for selling all the houses and completing the development. At that time, we thought we were the only one's leveraged to the hilt. Gordon's family, well, they disowned him early on and when he died, they did not suddenly develop any guilt over his departure. They were perfectly fine with speaking ill of the dead. Fuckers. Oh, your pardon." She tittered.

Cassie looked over at Victoria who was still fascinated by the beer bottle. While we both watched, she put it to her lips and pushed it into her mouth, bending over it till half of it disappeared from view, her lips coating the bottle as it disappeared into her mouth. Cassie's eyes got wide and she looked away.

I had an entirely different reaction.

Cassie cleared her throat. "His family, they decided he committed suicide and that is the story everyone knows." She snorted. "Suicide, my hind leg. Well, I suppose if you think a guy can beat himself to death with a baseball bat then, sure, Gordon Angorra killed himself. But come on! See how it was with his family? They'd rather he killed himself than be murdered by a shylock for unpaid debts."

Victoria sat her empty bottle on the table and tottered back into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and got another beer. She puzzled over the cap for a moment or two before bringing it over to Cassie who looked at her like she had a dick before opening it. Victoria already had three drinks before starting on beer but she seemed only a little affected. Cassie handed her the bottle and cap and she wobbled over to the table and sat before drinking, holding the cap before her eyes and staring at it.

Cassie stopped staring at the other woman and resumed speaking. "Anyway, the women of Holdingsfield had a big do right after we moved in. They intimidated the shit out of me and I was terrified to be invited over to Aurora's house. It was a big deal. They were, well, they were a bunch of women and you can imagine what that means. But, but there was one woman who was reserved and oh god she was beautiful. She, it was a little hot, that summer when we moved in, so the pool was filled and everyone was drinking. She wore a wrap around her hips and, you know like a sarong thing, and she had an electric blue halter on. She has black, black hair but is built like a brick shit house. I mean, she..."