A Fucking Investment Ch. 07


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"Hooker act? How dare you!" Shallow's face rippled as an additional thought passed through her mind, "and I am right handed." She added calmly, as a sign she was indeed in control and in control of herself.

I could not tell if she was more upset that I had suggested she was a hooker or because I was not impressed with her act. I doubt she knew which either, perhaps both.

"So do you fuck around on little Evie a lot, John?"

This woman was good, back on the offensive without missing a beat.

"You are getting a little personal, aren't you?" Just the right amount of 'defensive' to get her that superior feeling again. She did smile, a supercilious smile which straightened her shoulders and raised her chin just that bit just before she ran a finger up between her breasts. The game was on.

"You are going to fuck me, right? How personal is that?"

I shrugged. "With you, rather like boarding a commuter train, I would imagine." Swallow's face scrunched into a scowl. I called for the check to stave off the gush of imprecations she had all lined up to deliver in the most elegant and cutting fashion. Then I walked out of the back exit of the restaurant to the elevator that gave access to the parking garage. I neither acknowledged her nor offered her my arm. She clacked along behind me, trying to keep up. The swing door slammed shut behind her and I turned and had hold of her so fast she shrieked. I kissed her, hard. Her lips were stiff, unmoving but I kissed them anyway, holding her by the shoulders. I dropped the kiss and stepped back.

"You don't kiss worth a shit." I said.

"No." She said. "Wait. Give me another chance. You surprised me."

I glared at her. "You come here with the stated objective of fucking not just me but Eve, too and you want some consideration? What sort of sociopath are you?"

Finally, the Barbie doll face cracked and she backed up from me. A tear appeared at the corner of one eye as she clasped her tiny little white purse to her huge visible breasts, folding them in around it like a collapsing umbrella in hurricane. "She told you?" Paula whispered.

"That you ate her cunt and then got her to eat yours?" I got it backwards intentionally—she never went first, I suspected. "Yes. And fuck you. Damn you! You do not know what you have done! Eve swore to me, no more women! She had stuck to it till now. And you waltz in here and fuck up the situation. Thanks. Now she wants me to fuck you to balance out the deal. For all I know she going to go down on Natalie as thanks for the phone call and then the whole deal starts all over again! Women calling all the time, glaring at me when they leave because they think I am competition or Eve will be complaining that she cannot have her cunt full of come when Mildred the dyke eats her. This is all your fucking fault! Fuck me!" I turned angrily and punched the call button for the elevator.

I stood facing the elevator, diluting the synthesized adrenaline coursing through my veins with stillness and deep breathing, wondering if she was going to buy the 'I hate having a bi-sexual wife' routine. Shallow clicked up behind me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "I am sorry. In college it was not just a pointless game. I fucked them all and they all knew it. It was a test to see if their new beau was honest with them. Those who confessed were keepers. Those who hid it needed work and those who called me for another bout of shallow sex with Shallow got the boot. I provided a screening service we all needed."

The elevator arrived and I let the door close without moving. She was a narcissist, never thinking to ask about Eve's supposed lesbian addiction. It made no difference to her.

"We were a group of all society girls, young women who had a family fortune stuffed up our skirts and every man we met knew it. We looked the part and acted the part and most of us were not actresses. Few could dress down and fuck a stranger for the sport of it and fool anyone. And besides that is so tawdry, it insults a girl's self-image. So we played the dating game or the Virginia Reel and reel them in."

I hit the button again and the door opened but I did not mount the car.

"No one saw us as women, girls to get to know or simple attractions to act on. When they looked at us we were either a pathway to riches, opportunity or a trophy they could bang and then brag about. I shamed them into silence for everyone else. I formed a no man's land where the other girls could watch and judge without putting their own reputation on the line. Until their new beau fucked Shallow, no nookie was offered." The elevator door closed.

"I was the litmus test and not a few of them would sit down with me and grill me about what he liked, what he was like, what he was good at, if he was hung, if I thought he was right for them. In practice, I kept them all safe till they could figure out how to keep their own panties on. The group before us, at Victoria Prep, nine out of sixteen heiresses had abortions before they graduated, most before they were sixteen and several had two. Two of them committed suicide in college. In my group, they are all happily, well, comfortably married. I think Eve and you are happy but not doing so well, if I gauge the situation correctly." Shallow stopped talking.

I was impressed. She was clearly a highly intelligent woman. While I longed to just fuck her good, do her in the ass and call it good, I thought I owed Evie something more. Something that would buy more something, more than a simple kiss from her as the favor she owed me. But I felt sorry for Shallow. I'm such a sap!

"So. Are you married? Eve never discussed your love life." The elevator door closed again.

Now tears did come to the woman's eyes and she shook her head. I was even tempted to believe they were real. They welled up and a big fat one tracked down one cheek. It was impressive! Such training, such command of her tear ducts! I was not buying it. I hit the elevator button again and the door opened, which indicated low demand. I stepped inside and Paula followed me but stood facing me. Neither of us selected a floor.

"Tell me something you have not done that you would like to do." I said.

"Walk on the Great Wall of China."

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I mean sexually. What is there that you have not tried that you think you might like? You always have to do all the work; this time, let me give you something you love, something that you dream of."

For an instant, I saw the calculation in her eyes and I knew I was right to be suspicious of such easy tears, no matter how much sense they made emotionally and the subtle intentions Eve feared. This woman was not a normal woman. For a moment, that thought scared me and I wondered if I was playing a game with no good ending for me. I confess, the thought gave me a bit of a thrill and increased the growing erection in my pants.

"I have never had someone watch me while I was fucking, being fucked." She said seriously. Her eyes did not waver. This woman had been manipulating for so long, she simply did not know how to stop. If she did, she might turn to dust and blow away.

"Does it matter who sees you? Us." I amended.

Paula's eyes widened for a moment. "Give me another chance. I want to curl your toes if I am able. Kissing you, I mean."

I regarded her for a moment but she was fully in character now, feeling in control of the situation once again; back on script. "Give me your panties." I said. This could be a losing gambit if she was not wearing any. I wasn't sure which to hope for. Both had great potential. What this woman must think of Eve, married to a John like me! I smiled into the silence which followed my demand. I think it must have made me seem challenging or arrogant because Paula immediately reached under her dress which only came to mid-thigh and skinned her pretty pink bikini panties down her beautiful legs. She did have perfect legs. Everything about this woman was perfect, skin, proportions, ass—which I had been able to examine by then—tits, lips . . . she had it all. My initial impression had been right on, 'fuck me and I will fuck you' was this woman all over. Paula stepped out of her panties and unhooked them from her lifted ankle and held them out to me.

I looked at them for a minute, a bit disappointed. Had she been commando, I was going to unzip my pants and invite her inviting mouth to suck my dick. The idea of her on her knees in this dingy elevator when the door could open at any time had been attractive. My first idea had been to take her panties and give her the chance to kiss me again as she wanted but giving this woman a chance seemed like giving a shark the chance to lick your finger; a good way to lose your arm, IF you were lucky.

So I took the panties, stuffed them in my pocket. Then, while she watched, unzipped my pants and fished my pliable cock out of them, holding it with one hand. Paula stared at my cock and looked up at me, involuntarily shaking her head, like she could not believe I had done that.

"I have been gone a while. I need a quick one." I said softly. She glanced at the floor selection buttons, gauging the risk. She knelt, moved my hand away from my cock, taking it in her hands and massaged its girth and weight for a moment. She lifted the head and licked it. Then she kissed it. Looking down on this gorgeous blond woman with the dark red lips addressing my cock on her knees in an elevator got to me. Like a jolt of electricity, I started feeling her ministrations and my cock twitched in her hands. She sucked on the end and let it slip further into her mouth. Her tongue entered the fray, lashing the head of my dick and swabbing it while she sucked at it. It swelled and stiffened. She sucked harder, encouraged. It straightened and she let it poke into her cheek which bulged as she pressed her head onto the cock at the wrong angle. She adjusted her head and the cock flexed into a full upright position. Paula blew through her nose and sank her mouth about half way down my cock. I felt the head hit the back of her throat. She blew again, sounding for all the world like a horse snorting.

I bent over her and put each hand down her gaping dress finding her breasts bare inside the nearly rigid front, impressively supported internally without benefit of bra or wire. The golden chain broke. I found the nipples and pinched them gently. Paula snorted again and pressed her head further down onto my towering cock. I pinched her nipples harder and she groaned deep in her throat, deeper than the head of my cock had yet descended so the sound vibrated pleasingly around me. I cupped her hanging breasts, pushing them inwards so they escaped the little restraint and support the pink dress provided. I then pulled them upwards, squeezing them both very hard. My cock went completely into the woman's pulsating throat. She swallowed around it, showing her talent and control. She blew and again and I felt her hot, blistering breath wafting through my unruly pubic hair. She inhaled again, sucking at my entire cock again. She swallowed, blew again and backed off till only my cock head was clutched in her lips. Her mouth massaged my cock, like she was sucking at a mother's nipple, pulling with her lips and leaving a smear of red lipstick on the upper side of my cock, which had gone white from the intense sucking but soon turned so scarlet the smear of her lipstick disappeared.

Paula's eyes were on me. I had withdrawn my hands from her dress and had one on the back of her head. For a moment, I thought about cocking her throat again but hesitated. Like a flash of lightning the desire to be inside her body struck me, at the other end of her body.

"Stand up, Paula." I croaked. My voice was raspy, harsh, insistent. Paula gave my wondrously hard cock one last suck and then stood up. She began to put my cock away and I was encouraged. She did not expect it when I spun her around, and lifted the stiff skirt folding it up onto her back. I grasped her by the hips and probed her ass with my cock. I opened my pants and let them drop to my ankles. Her hands automatically went to the wall of the elevator and her head cradled against her arms. I grasped my cock and used a finger to search for her hole. I touched her lips, finding them damp and bulging. I fit the tip my finger into her entrance, feeling around until I was sure I had the hole opened a bit. I moved the head of my cock to her pussy and pushed.

"Oh god!" Paula whispered. "Oh sweet god!"

I pulled back but her hips followed me so I reversed direction and surged back down her love channel. She actually shuddered as I entered her. Her pussy resisted for a few strokes, I encountered her tight band and backed up, massaging her outer lips with my cock while I steadied her with my other hand. Finally, I felt her inner acceptance, that relaxing release and my cock shifted deeper for the first time. "Christ you are tight, Paula. What a fine cunt you are." I hissed.

Paula grunted in response. My cock flowed deeper into her body but not all the way.

For the first time, I discovered what a small woman she actually was. Her legs were long but she was short, with a short torso and a small set of hips which made her waist low and created the illusion of height when the reality was simply perfect proportions. I only had to bend my knees a bit to get my cock perfectly lined up. Then I put hands on her hips and began to stroke my cock into her. She wavered back and forth before me as we separated and then slammed together. Her pussy sloshed with liquid as I fucked her and soon it was running down my legs and hers. I bowed over her and grasped her breasts, again filling each hand barely but proportioned perfectly to appear larger than life. I grasped them and began to fuck into her body while pulling at them. Her dress was pulled back over her shoulders which arched to help my reach. Paula moaned and then her ass began to shake and quiver.

"Christ, fuck me. I am coming!" she muttered. At that moment, the car lurched into motion descending. I pulled out of her cunt, pulled up my pants and put my cock away. She pushed herself upright and righted her dress, tucking both breasts back into place. She staggered back to me, leaning on me like she was drunk, which, I suppose she was; pussy drunk or cock drunk, if you like. I put a hand around her to steady her. She shifted her purse to the left hand and cupped my tented cock, moving it up and over so that it lay more naturally inside my pants, forming a distinct crease, almost like the Nike swoop. I leaned over and kissed her, finding her lips expressive and open, her tongue sensuous and tentative, while she probed my mouth and I painted the roof of her mouth, making her shudder in my grasp. We were still kissing when the doors opened. Her hand lay lightly along the side of my face, a curiously tender gesture. Two couples were waiting and stared at us till we noticed and one of the guys blocked the closing door. They stood aside as we staggered out. They entered the elevator with odd looks on their faces, perhaps smelling the cloying scent of aroused cunt that filled the lift. They entered the car and the doors closed. I pulled the woman into my arms and kissed her hard. With one hand I circled her shoulders and the other snaked underneath her dress and cupped her perfect little ass. She lunged against me, plastering her pussy against my leg as I kissed her, moaning into my open mouth.

When we broke the kiss, she said, "coitus interruptus. Dammit I was having a good one."

"Come with me." I took her by the elbow and went in search of my car. I had parked in a remote corner myself rather than use the valet service. When we arrived, I opened her door but stopped her from getting in, taking her purse and dropping it on the seat. I turned her around found the hook and zipper under one arm and loosened her dress. The moment I tugged at it her arms rose like she was doing that wave at Wimbledon, decorous but participating. I pulled it off of her. I tossed the dress onto her seat and pulled her into my arms. Her naked body shivered in the outdoor air. The sound of a car nearby disturbed our kiss. I turned so that she was shielded by my body when the headlights flashed over us from someplace deeper in the garage. When the ticking, clicking silence of the place returned, backed up by the sounds of the city traffic beyond its bleak, concrete abutments, I pulled her to the back of the car and turned her to face the trunk. She lay down on the boot, hoisting her ass which was soon possessed by my hard cock. I found her weeping entrance and shoved the steel probe home. She bleated for a moment and then, hunched back at me. She stretched her hands out before her like she was making a bowing prayer of some sort and arched her body a bit so her breasts were brushing the cool metal of the Caddy.

My cock rooted deeply in her pussy and I adjusted, trying to keep my pants from dropping off my ass till I gave up and let them fall. I began to hammer Paula from behind, while she muttered and moaned on the trunk of the red Caddy. I took firm hold of her hips and lifted her feet off the ground and then pulled her back onto my cock, with my legs straight. She dangled in the air, her feet off the ground, a cock firmly entrenched in her spasming cunt. Paula came as I hit bottom, grunting with passion but nearly helpless in that position. Since most of her weight remained on the car, I could move her ass around on my cock fairly easily and I did, changing angles. Her tits scrapped on the metal with a discreet little squeak as I shifted her body around on my cock. She finally lifted her legs and hooked them on my back in an awkward configuration but one that gave her enough leverage to pull me into her pussy with short, quick jerks of her legs which began a crescendoing rhythm. I tried to match it but she was screaming through gritted teeth and clinched lips so she did not echo into the garage. I fucked her hard and fast and then I was coming. The reason I had stripped her, I wanted to come. She must have been coming the whole time because her body bucked against me when I stopped stroking into her cunt, bucked and twisted while she whistled and wheezed through the orgasm possessing her, successfully remaining fairly, discretely quiet.

I lay over her for a few moments, waiting for my heart to slow down so I could stand up without fainting. I did. She dropped her legs, probing for the ground. I panted, backing away. I pulled up my pants just as the car rounded the corner, the lights playing over her glistening white, naked body. She immediately rolled over, waved and smiled while cupping one gigantic breast with her other hand, legs wide. The car passed. She slid off the trunk and clicked over to the door and got into the car. I got in the other side.

I sat there for a while doing nothing, maybe waiting for my vision to clear to return to normal so I could drive. Fuck drunk could cause accidents as well as drunk drunk would but it was more difficult to test for and would not get your license lifted. Still, I waited, as a matter of public safety.

"Fuck me that was great." Paula said. "You asked if there was something I really wanted to try that I had not gotten to do, before. There is."

I lifted my head and looked at her. "Oh?"

Paula was nude, sitting in my car, likely dribbling our cum all over her dress, which she was sitting on. Her breasts glistened with sweat, drying in the cool air, the nipples were prominent in the middle of the brown-red patches. Her hands lay on her bare legs. She looked at me. "Yes. There is something I always wanted to try but never got the chance."

Lights flickered behind us and for a moment I could see her eyes and I knew something was coming. The little bitch was not satisfied yet. There was something more. I had felt it all along and here it came.