A Caged Bird Sings Ch. 02


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But like I said, my friends noticed I was being kind of weird. I mean, they didn't know me well, but there was a difference in the way I acted the first few days and the way I acted later. I was more nervous and I was less open. I think it must've been McKenzie who finally decided to do something about it. Anyway, she was the one who talked to me about it. It was in the afternoon, after lunch, we were at our normal seats in the common area talking. Most people were watching television or reading in their bunks, but we were talking.

"Alright Odessa," McKenzie finally said after a long pause, "What's up?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, although I had an inkling we'd be talking about serious stuff, since everyone at the table was sort of looking at me. Clara reached out and put her hand on mine, but I sort of rudely pulled it back. Not trying to be an ass, just not sure what to think of this.

"You are like a coiled spring," McKenzie said, "You need to tell us what is wrong. Did Bethany get at you again?" she asked. I shook my head. If only it was something that simple. How do you tell people, people you barely know, that a persona you created for yourself, a sexy chick who doesn't think about sex, was unraveling and you didn't know who the real person was? How do you tell people that you spent so long locked up, pretending to be something your not that you don't know how to be yourself. That your real self is scary.

"What then?" Prisha said. She looked particularly concerned. She was the kind of girl who cries when earth worms bake in the sun, her concern for me was palpable.

"It's nothing, just getting used to the place," I explained, then I turned to look at the television, hoping they would get the hint and leave me alone. No such luck. Clara reached forward and grabbed my chin, pulled me back so I was looking at the girls again.

"Tell us what is wrong," she said. I looked at them. These three pretty girls who'd befriended me for no apparent reason. Except maybe that I was famous, that I was sexy. They were using me for something. Suddenly, I felt anger rising up inside of me. Deep in my heart I knew I was angry about other things, angry about what had become of my life, but in this moment, it was all directed at THEM. My erstwhile friends.

"Fuck you!" I said loudly, pulling my head away from Clara's grasp, "I don't owe you anything. I don't have to entertain you by explaining to you how miserable I am in prison." Clara looked like she'd been smacked.

"No honey, it isn't like that..." Prisha began.

"Fuck your 'honey' I didn't ask for you to mother me," I hissed and Prisha began to cry, just like I'd intended.

"That's enough!" Clara said, but McKenzie put her hand on her lover's shoulder.

"Let her go," McKenzie said.

"Fuck you too," I said to McKenzie, what was her angle, "You think you are my fucking leader because you sucked my dick? I didn't ask to be a part of your group."

"Why is she saying these things," Prisha cried, "We were just trying to help." No one answered. I just got up and ran to my cell. There, I'd pushed everyone away. I was free to be completely alone and miserable and I got to tell everyone off for their imagined sleights. I didn't want to let anyone in and now I didn't have to. But I felt totally miserable. I lay on my bunk and just sort of spaced out. All my past actions swirled through my head, my many failures. Now I'd even been robbed of the idea I was a good person. I felt like shit.

I wondered what McKenzie would do when she returned to the cell. Yell at me for talking about the blowjob, or just yell at me for being an ass. Hit me. Cry. I had absolutely no idea. I was thinking about it but I fell asleep before I had a chance to find out.

That night I didn't dream, it was mercilessly black. When I woke up, McKenzie was already gone. I was about to go to breakfast, but when I stood up, a small piece of paper rolled off of my blanket and landed on the floor. I bent over and picked it up. It was folded over and I opened it to find a short note:


We have the distinct feeling that you are going to wake-up today regretting acting like an asshole. Don't get pissed, you know you were acting like an asshole. And we know that you are in a rough place right now, so we aren't going to hold it against you. If you want to accept that you are in prison, and accept what you are, then sneak out of work and meet us in the laundry room. If you want to stay in prison while you're in prison, keep working and don't sit with us anymore.


And that was it. I folded up the letter and set it back on my bed. I was absolutely not ready to make a decision about this. I walked down to the lunch room and didn't think about it. I grabbed some disgusting looking food from the breakfast line and didn't think about it. I found a quiet spot, away from other people, to eat and I didn't think about it. I didn't like ultimatums. I guess you could say, looking at my anatomy, that I liked things to be up in the air. So they could go either way. Now I didn't have that luxury. But I pretended like I did.

Finally, it was time for me to start working before lunch. This was the time that I was supposed to be sneaking off. You might think that that would be impossible in prison; that guards are around all the time and everything else. But in our prison at least, it wasn't like that. There wasn't a lot of serious violence in our prison, but guards were only posted in places where fights were likely. And you generally had freedom to move around when you were supposed to be working. I could've walked off it if I wanted to, and someone would have covered for me til I got back. But at first I didn't go.

I was sweeping up some stuff that was on the floor from breakfast preparation. It was just the kind of mindless work that basically forces you to think. So I got to thinking, why was I upset, what did I want? Why was easier than I expected. I'd lost everything in my life. First my parents, then my dream, and my freedom. Finally, all the sex in this place, all the desire I felt, I'd finally lost my self-discipline. If I decided to be a part of this place, I'd have to accept the sex and my desire for it.

So what did I want? It wasn't like I didn't have options. I was a disciplined person, I had to be. If I wanted to, I could spend the next decade and a half in this place completely inside of myself. I could watch TV, read, work, and get an education. I could speak when spoken to. I could give up on being a famous but not give up on being the sweet, sexless girl that was my persona. Or I could accept who I am, I could be a tranny and I could be attracted to other t-girls. I could have friends. I could fuck. I could give up on pretending to be a "normal" girl even in my private time. So what did I want?

I didn't so much come to a conscious decision as I just acted. I dropped the broom and started heading out the door. I slipped out of the kitchen and moved through the lunchroom. There was a guard in the lunchroom, but I walked with purpose and she didn't seem to take any notice of me. I got out in the hallway, moved through the corridors and moved past guards, and kept my head down.

Finally, I was standing outside the laundry room. It was then I realized what I was doing. I was done running, I was done hiding, I was who I was and I had to accept that. And if there were girls in the room who were willing to accept me as well, I was happy to see them.

I was standing outside the door, there was no window or anything. And I started to feel nervous. Maybe they weren't in there anymore. Maybe they were and this was just some sort of clever long-game to trick me into coming her and then kicking my ass or raping me or something. I put my ear to the door. I heard some muffled talking but I couldn't make anything out. They were here at least. I couldn't stand in the hallway with my ear pressed to the door long, someone would notice. So I opened the door and slipped in.

Clara and McKenzie were sitting down on top of huge piles of clean laundry, talking to one another. Prisha was leaning against one of the massive laundry machines, looking nervous. They were apparently talking so adamantly when I opened the door that they didn't notice me.

"I don't think she's coming," Clara said, "And maybe its better if she doesn't. That bitch has some shit she needs to figure out on her own."

"Stop saying things like that," Prisha pleaded, "it wasn't easy for me at first either." The only one who noticed me was McKenzie, and she looked at me and smiled slyly.

"No need to wonder anymore ladies, the lovely Odessa has decided to grace us with her presence," she said in a way that didn't come off nearly as snarky as it should have. I walked into the room. I could hear my footfalls pounding of the floor and my blood was beating in my ears. I hadn't been this nervous since Bethany had come at me in the shower.

"I got you letter," I said meekly. My voice sound so small, like a little girl's voice. But I didn't know what else to do.

"So you've decided to come clean with us?" Clara asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. But she had every right to be pissed at me, so I just nodded.

"Take it easy on her," McKenzie said, "She is here to admit she was a dick. Right?" she asked. Here was the chance, humble myself and accept friendship.

"Yeah," I said, "I was a dick yesterday. I guess. I am just having a hard time," I said, "With all this."

"Well," Clara said, "We tried to be your friends. That is what friends are for, you talk to them when you have a problem and they make it easier."

"I've never really had friends before," I admitted, "I don't really know how it works. I was so busy in my old life, making sure that no one found out about my secret that I never let anyone get close. And I never let myself get aroused. And I came to this place and first I saw all these girls and they stirred up all these... sexual feelings I'd never had before. And you were all here and trying to be my friends and..."

"And you thought if you got rid of your friends you could get rid of your uncomfortable sexuality?" Prisha said, cutting right to the core of the problem, stating it in a way I never could have figured out.

"Yes," I said.

And then I felt sort of weird. I don't know, like a weight had been lifted off of me. If made me a little weak in the knees. I walked over to a chair and sat down. The girls were all sort of on the other side of the room from me.

"Well," Clara said, sounding a little less harsh than before, "We all have horror stories about growing up and I guess you are only 18, going on 19." I mean, its true. I was just like a little girl at the time; Clara was like 15 years older than me.

"So I am really sorry guys," I said. And I really meant it, I felt tears welling in my eyes, "I spent my whole life being suspicious and hiding and hating my true self. And you accepted me and you...aroused me. But I am sorry I was mean. To all of you, and I want to be a better friend, if you'll have me back." I said. And even Clara smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt better.

For a long minute there was just an awkward silence. We all just sort of stood around and stared at our shoes. This kind of emotional honesty didn't come naturally to me and I have the feeling it didn't come naturally in prison either. I looked at them sheepishly and sort of giggled. Then McKenzie laughed. Then we were all laughing.

"I have to admit," I said after a second, "I was a little worried when I came here that you were going to kick my ass!" They laughed some more.

Then, after a few minutes, we were quiet again. I looked around at these girls, McKenzie with her bombshell body, Clara with her luscious ass, and Prisha with her movie star's face and I realized I'd been talking about being aroused by them. And I was. And we were all here alone together. For a moment, I thought about the shower, seeing two t-girls, one inside of the other. I imagined instead that it was McKenzie and Clara. I pictured Prisha, on her back in her bunk, stroking her own cock. I felt my little cock getting hard. I was suddenly aware that the room was filled floor to ceiling with sexual tension, they felt it to.

"So should we do what we talked about," Clara asked McKenzie. McKenzie looked at me and smiled, then she turned to Clara and shrugged. I wondered what they talked about.

"Sure," she said and both she and Clara stood up. Prisha looked a little nervous, be she got up and stood with them.

The three of them were standing in front of me, just about five feet in front of my chair. For a half second I had that crazy fear that they were going to rape me again, but then I realized that if they tried to take anything from me I'd give it willingly. I needed this. The sexual tension I'd been feeling in this place, this prison, since I got here needed to be released.

"Honey," McKenzie said, "We've talked about this. We think that part of your discomfort in this situation is that no one laid out the rules. Now you know the rules, we are friends, we support each other. We thought maybe some of the other problem was that you'd never been initiated into our little clique here, maybe you didn't feel like a full member of the group." She said. And I had sudden images of getting beaten into a gang or something like I'd seen on TV shows about prison. But that didn't seem like what was going on here.

"Maybe," I said uneasily.

"Get off the chair and get naked," McKenzie said and I know my face instantly got completely red. I was so embarrassed to even think about being naked in front of these girls, regardless of what had already happened to me since I'd gotten here.

"Come on," Clara said, "We are going to get naked too!" and I smiled. McKenzie shot Clara a look, like maybe she was ruining the whole atmosphere that McKenzie was trying to create. But it did the trick. I stood up front the chair and pushed it back. I slipped my shirt, shoes, socks, and pants off quickly. I was standing in the cold laundry room in nothing but my bra and panties. I felt there eyes on me. I felt a little like I used to feel when I performed, everyone watching me expectantly, it was a good feeling, a warm and comfortable feeling. I liked being wanted, I liked being desired. Even sweet Prisha had a little bit of wolfishness in her eyes.

They didn't make any moves to get naked. I realized that I was going to have to do this first. I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the ground in front of me. I felt their eyes on my small breasts, running across my hard nipples. I rubbed my hands across my breasts, feeling the taut skin, the soft breasts, and the tough skin of my nipples. I liked the way their eyes got big when I did it. To perform again!

I didn't wait around though, I kept moving. I slipped my fingers into the waistband of my panties and then slowly slid them down. My shaved pink cock poked out from under the fabric. It was hard and it felt hot to the touch as I slowly moved the panties down around my ankles and kicked them off. Now they were staring between my legs. My cock was so hard, the domed top looked shiny, like it was about to burst. They all seemed pretty entranced by it. But now I was naked, they needed to tell me what else to do. For a moment, they didn't, they just looked at me. Then McKenzie seemed to realize she was supposed to do something and she spoke.

"Oh, um..." she said, "yeah, now you need to have a seat on the floor there." I looked at the floor. It was just cold concrete. I knew my little ass was going to get numb on that floor, but I sat down. I decided to give them a little show, so I sat down flat on my butt and spread my legs wide. Their eyes were drawn to my tight little package, the cold making my balls shrivel up tight against my body. I gave them a sexy look, daring them to do whatever they planned on doing. McKenzie looked at Clara and then Prisha and nodded at each. They started to disrobe.

McKenzie was the fastest, maybe because I'd seen her naked before. She pulled her pants and panties off in one smooth movement, revealing that 7.5 inch cock I'd seen before, hard, pressing against her belly as she bent over to pull off her socks. Then she slipped off her shirt and unhooked her bra, letting her big breasts spill out, slapping gently against her chest. She looked like a goddess, standing with her hands on her hips and her shaved cock standing out proudly.

Clara started to disrobe around the same time, just a few seconds after McKenzie. She took off her shirt, then her bra, revealing her small breast, with large chocolate colored nipples. She rubbed her breasts gently, like she as trying to warm them from the cold. Then she bent over and took off her pants. Her legs looked sleek and sexy. She looked over at McKenzie, saw that she was completely naked, and then quickly started to remove her panties as well. Unlike McKenzie and I, she wasn't completely clean shaven. She had a small tuft of black pubic hair over her 6 inch long, uncut cock. Her dick was hard as well, her balls were very large and round and her hand was resting gently on her shaft.

Even as the other two girls were naked, along with me, Prisha was still fully clothed. She was staring at us all hungrily, but she had her arms wrapped around her chest and she looked incredibly uncomfortable. McKenzie was looking at her expectantly, but she didn't move. I noticed that Prisha looked at me more than anyone else, her eyes wandering over my cock and balls, glancing over my tits. I decided to give her a little show, entice her into getting naked.

I did something I'd never done before. I don't know where the impulse came from, but I didn't hesitate. I just acted. I took one of my fingers and placed it up to my mouth. I gave Prisha a little sexy eye contact between my long bangs, and slipped the finger into my mouth. I covered the finger in spit, making sure that it was sopping wet, then I pulled it out. I moved my finger down my body, rolling it over my nipple and across my flat belly. I rolled it up my cock (sending a shiver through my body) and then down over my balls. Finally, my still wet finger pushed against my asshole.

I leaned back a little bit, so that my asshole was easier to see. I saw Prisha's eyes follow my finger, I felt her looking at my little pink rosebud of an asshole. I didn't really know what I was doing, I just knew that it looked sexy. So I pushed a little. My wet finger slid, easily at first, into my asshole. First just the tip of my finger was inside, there was a little bit of discomfort, some pressure, but it felt good also, naughty. I kept pushing, throwing my hair back and thrusting out my chest in ecstasy. My finger kept pushing deeper into my pillowy insides, my hand brushing hard against my shaft. It felt so bad and so good. And the whole time, Prisha and the other girls were just watching me.

Then McKenzie put her hand on her long, hard cock and started to stroke herself slowly. I pushed my finger the rest of the way inside of me, gasping in pain and pleasure as I watched. Her hand gripped her cock tightly, moving up and down her long shaft, bumping her balls and squeezing right up to her bulbous tip. It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Clara followed her lead, stroking her cock forcefully, her balls slapping against her leg. She bit her upper lip, looking sexy as she worked.

Finally, Prisha seemed to sense that this was going to happen regardless of what she did. So, she quickly slipped off her shirt and then her pants. She looked absolutely stunning in her underwear. Her breasts looked pert and her stomach looked flat (muscled but not obviously muscled, you know?) her legs looks smooth and her skin was coppery and delicious. She looked nervous still, but I could make out her erection straining against her panties. She wanted it as bad as the rest of us. I thrust my finger hard into my asshole, feeling the pleasure and the pressure, moving my fingers around inside of my bottom. I knew she was watching.