A Big Side Effect Ch. 02


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"What the hell are you doing in our room," Cassie said. She sort of looked around the bed to see if it looked like they'd been fucking. Maybe she was trying to see if it was obvious, if I'd just walked in I might not have known anything. But Cassie's breast was exposed and whole room was warm and smelled like cum. Even if I hadn't been here the whole time, I'd have known.

"Well," I said, and I thought about making something up, but I didn't have any good reason to be there. Let alone, being naked. I decided to tell the truth. I told them about hearing noises, being curious, investigating, losing my towel, being aroused, and seeing them fucking. I was blushing hard by the time I was done reciting the whole thing. Their faces were red and it was clear they were embarrassed more than angry.

"Oh," Cassie said, "You had no right to be here!" she said. She realized that this was the only thing she had on me. I'd witnessed her committing the ultimate taboo, all she had left was a little indignation on violation of privacy.

"I know. I was just curious. And you know how this is, it makes you so horny!" I said, looking at my cock. I was trying to give them an out. At first, Cassie didn't get it.

"That is no excuse," she said, standing and walking towards me. Her cock was limp and looked sexy bouncing against her leg while she walked. I sort of flinched, I didn't know what was coming. But Brittany seemed to see what I was saying. She quickly got up off the bed, ran over to her mother, and grabbed the woman's arm. I couldn't help but feel aroused when I watched Brittany's lithe body move. And the way her breast pressed against her mother's arm was unbearable. Even though I was embarrassed and nervous, my prick was still hard.

"Mom, I think she is saying she understands," Brittany said. Her mother turned and looked at her uncomprehendingly. Then I saw her think about it, and she nodded her head. For a moment she looked at me and then sat down on the chair next to the desk. Brittany stood beside her, with her hand on her mother's shoulder. I was still nervous, but Cassie spoke without any further prompting from me or her daughter.

"Brittany and I started taking the medicine about a year ago. The form of cancer it fights can be hereditary. I guess we both...developed the side effect at around the same time. We didn't tell one another," Cassie explained. She stopped for a moment, and Brittany took up the narrative.

"We were both embarrassed and hoped that the other person wasn't going through the same thing. And at first we didn't know about the other aspects of the side-effects. The hyper-arousal and the... aphrodisiac nature of the sperm," Brittany said, using the word the doctors had used during the conference the day before. She blushed and then walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Well, I guess Brittany was... masturbating in school," Cassie said, "She wasn't caught or anything, but she didn't even have the will to make it to the bathroom. She would just touch herself through her skirt and then... you know, ejaculate in her panties. Well, I do the laundry. So I handled her wet panties. I didn't think much of it, picking them up out of the hamper. But when I touched them... well you know."

"We only did it the one time," Brittany said, almost pleading with me to understand, "I came downstairs while she was doing the laundry and she sort of pounced on me. But I didn't fight back. I wanted it. I don't know. I'd never thought that way about my mother before. But this thing," she pointed at her dick, "It changes the way you think." Mother and daughter were looking at one another now, and it was clear that it was more than a parental gaze. It really had changed the way they thought.

"But we, we did it that one time and realized that it was wrong. We have worked very hard to behave correctly," Cassie explained, "But we got here. And they gave us a room with one bed because the suites the pharmaceutical company got us were cheap. And we spent all this time talking about our arousal. Last night, we were good. We used all of our will power. But we didn't sleep well. And when we got up this morning, I could feel Brittany's penis hard on my leg. And we couldn't stop." And with that, I got the whole story. I could see, just from talking about it, Cassie and Brittany were aroused again. Their cocks were hard and their cheeks were flushed. It was clear that none of us were intellectually in control of our urges. And this conference, with all its technical jargon, had just confirmed that fact. Even in explaining it, they must've known I understood completely.

I was hornier than ever. Rather than repulse me, the story had simply made the whole taboo situation even more exciting. And I thought back to the day before, with Angie. I'd promised myself to embrace what my body was telling me. Now, my body was telling me to act, telling me that I needed to act to get some relief. I looked at the two beautiful women, mother and daughter, looking at me for understanding and I decided what I needed to do.

"Well," I said and started to walk over to the bed, I felt their eyes follow me and move with my bouncing, hard cock, "I definitely understand. I could tell you some stories about my own life. And about some twins that I know." Their eyes got very big and I could see Brittany's cock twitching as I sat down on the bed next to her, "But just because I understand doesn't mean I don't want something out of this, something to buy my silence" I said slinkily. They looked at me with desire. They knew that my threat was just an excuse, a reason to let them take me. The fact that I hadn't run screaming out of the room when I saw them fucking must've told them that I couldn't judge them. That I was just as trapped, wonderfully trapped, as they were.

"What do you want?" Cassie asked. I didn't speak. I was sitting right next to Brittany, our legs dangling off the side of the bed, her thigh was touching mine. As you know, I am a cheerleader, and a flyer. I am very flexible. I lifted the leg closet to Brittany, and spread it out. I lifted it so that it sort of soared right over Brittany's head. Brittany's eyes looked between my spread legs and she must've smelled my delicate scent. But then my leg went around her back. I sort of scooted over. Now I was sitting behind Brittany, my legs sort of wrapped around her and my cock pressed against her back. But I was done. I quickly pushed Brittany up so she was standing and then, while she was still off balance, swung her around so she was facing me. Now I was laying on my back, my leg's spread wide, my cock hard, and my asshole straight up in the air.

"I want your daughter to fuck my asshole," I said, looking at Cassie, "Tell her to do it." I said. Brittany looked like she was about to move, but she waited for Cassie's permission.

"Can I fuck her mommy?" Brittany asked.

"You'd better," Cassie said, swinging the chair around so that she was watching us. Brittany walked in between my legs and put her hands on the insides of my thighs. Her hands were hot and her fingers pushed hard into my flesh. She wiped some of her own cum off of her tits and belly and then smeared it, now cooler from the air but still wet, all over my asshole. I moaned, enjoying the feel of her soft fingers against that delicate spot. She then spit in her hand and covered her cock in saliva. Finally, she positioned her cock against my asshole, and pushed. My body wanted it so bad, the tip slipped in easily.

Brittany's spit and sperm made it so velvety and smooth. I groaned, feeling the tip stretch. But it felt so lovely. My ball big balls hung down and rested on Brittany's cock as it started to work into my asshole. Brittany kept her hands on my hips now, holding me still while her cock pushed farther and farther into my body. I moaned and writhed on the bed, the pleasure was intense. And in a few moments, I felt Brittany's own large balls pressing against my ass cheeks and I knew she was all the way in. I wrapped my legs around her thin body while she started to pull out. Then she slammed her cock back into me. Brittany didn't mess around, she starting fucking me hard and fast. I felt her hard cock pushing in and out of my bowels. My mind almost went blank, but I tried to maintain my composure I wasn't done yet. I turned my head and looked at Cassie. She was watching us intently.

"Do you like to watch your daughter fuck me?" I asked Cassie. I should say now that I have no idea where my dirty talk comes from. I mean, it must just come with the hyper-arousal. Whatever.

"I love it," Cassie said. Her legs were spread and she was slowly stroking her cock.

"Your daughter is a filthy fucking whore!" I yelled and Cassie looked like she'd been struck. Brittany giggled and didn't seem to mind. She kept pounding away at my asshole, shaking my whole body.

"What did you say?" Cassie said hotly. Good, I was trying to provoke her.

"You daughter is a cunt and she would probably fuck anyone or anything for five dollars," I said, then I groaned as Brittany rubbed my breast and shoved her hips hard into my asshole.

"You don't talk about her like that," Cassie said. It was clear that her mother's instincts were battling with her eyes and her own knowledge of what we were doing.

"You want me to shut up?" I asked.

"Yes," Cassie said forcefully.

"Then you better put something in my mouth," I said. I then leaned back on the bed. I was sort of lying across one corner of the bed so my ass was on the edge and my legs were wrapped around Cassie. At the same time, my head was dangling off the foot of the bed, and I let my neck crane completely so that I was looking, upside down, at Cassie on the chair. I wasn't exactly subtle and Cassie seemed to know what to do.

She was up off the couch in a second. Her put her hands firmly on my breasts and centered her cock against my lips. It was still a little wet from cum and I could smell Brittany's ass on it. I wanted it in my mouth. I parted my lips and let it slide onto my tongue. It tasted as earthy and rich as it smelled and I moaned around it. Cassie pushed it hard into my mouth, almost into my throat. I could tell she wanted to fuck my face, so I just held my mouth of, keeping my tongue thick and wet. Just like her daughter pounding away at my asshole, Cassie started pounding at my mouth. Thrusting her hips hard, but not so hard that she'd hurt me. Both cocks started pistoning in and out of my body in a rhythm. I could hear the mother and daughter, over my body, kissing.

Surprisingly, Cassie was the first to cum, I guess my lips are tighter than my ass. I felt her hands squeeze hard on my breasts. I heard her make a loud, delectable croaking sound her throat. I felt her balls seize up against my nose. Then, my throat, mouth, and lips were bathed in hot, thick, salty liquid. It filled my mouth and splashed around on my teeth. It even overflowing my mouth, dripping across my lips, my eyes, and even into my hair. It tasted lovely.

"Fill her up baby," I heard Cassie say, "Help mommy fill this whore up." It was just what I needed to hear at that moment, it was so hot. At that same instant, Brittany gave two or three more hard pumps into my asshole and I heard her squeal. I felt her cock expand in my asshole and then I felt hot liquid pouring into my asshole. And I couldn't take any more. My toes pointed, my muscles all contracted, I felt completely without weight like my entire being was pleasure, I was completely beyond contact with the outside world. And I felt my balls rumble and then, thick, hot spurts of cum poured out of my dick and splashed against my own tits. It just kept cumming, more sperm than I'd ever produced before, a torrent that almost felt more like I was pissing than cumming. I collapsed panting on the bed. I felt Cassie's cock pop out of my mouth and Brittany's cock slide out of my assshole. Finally I felt both women leaning over me, sucking my cum off of my body and sharing it back and forth between their mouths.

When they finally finished cleaning me, we were all so satisfied, any fears or worries we had before seemed strange. For moment we all just stayed where we were, trying to come to terms with what happen. But we smiled at each other with a little embarrassment. It didn't really have to mean anything, it had just been fun.

"Well," I said, when I felt like the awkwardness had gone on long enough, "I guess we should get down to the convention. We will be a few minutes late." I walked over to the door and found my towel

"I guess so," Cassie said, kissing her daughter once on the lips, "but before you go, I want to say something." Cassie got up off the bed and walked to me, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug. I was a little surprised.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"What for?" I asked.

"For allowing me to love my daughter in whatever way I can, without destroying it. You had that power, and you just let us play. And played with us," she said.

"You're welcome," I said and I felt good. What harm could come from any of this? It didn't even really feel wrong anymore. Why had been fighting my body for so long?

"Come back over tonight," Cassie said and winked, "I can give you our home address. You can come visit sometime." She said.

"I think I will take you up on that," I said, and kissed her once on the cheek, before heading to get dressed.

Chapter 4: Small Group Session

I had been wrong. We weren't a few minutes late. The session was off to a slow start and we arrived just in time. Arthur Coates was back at the lectern. He spoke briefly, it was clear that ConPharmaMax was out of jargon, today would be a little different. He spoke for a little while about monitoring that would be happening in the next few months, local meetings near big cities where the company would catch up with patients. He also alluded to some sort of cash payment in exchange for this participation. Essentially, they were explicitly promising to pay us in exchange for keeping things quiet and letting them keep tabs on us. I was going to college soon, it sounded fine to me. Anyway, that appeared to be the end of his spiel, now it was time for something new.

"Today, we thought that it might be helpful to break into small groups," he explained, "We thought that maybe you all would benefit by discussing your issues together in a confidential environment. No one from the pharmaceutical company will be present. It is just a chance to know that you are not in this by yourself and maybe learn coping strategies from other people." He explained. So they were kind of saying, we don't have any other ideas. This convention was just to buy you off, we didn't really have enough material for two days. Entertain yourselves. But, at the same time, it didn't sound like a horrible idea.

So we waited while ConPharmaMax representatives walked around and handed out little slips of paper to everyone, telling us of the randomly assigned meeting groups we were supposed to be with. They broke us up in 30 groups of ten women. Most groups were supposed to meet in specific hotel rooms. I was in Group 26. Apparently, by the time they got to that high of a number, they'd run out of rooms. We were told to meet in Conference Room B. Along the way I thought about what had happened that day. I was still confused, but I was feeling better. Unlike when I'd first grown my penis, I didn't feel any regret. Not after Angie. Not after Cassie and Brittany. Suddenly all the guilt and everything that I felt about my penis was gone. What did I have to feel guilty about? There was just a little voice in the back of my mind asking if I was deluding myself.

So I went to Room B, it was a little windowless room with a long rectangular table. I didn't have much time to think, soon I arrived at the conference room. It was sort of ugly in its décor and the table looked pretty cheap. But it was fine for what we needed to do. There was just enough room for 10 people and I arrived last. I took the seat at the head of the table because it was the only one left and everyone else seemed to want to avoid it.

The ten women in my group ranged in age from 18 (me, the youngest person) to around 40. They were generally good looking women. Most were apparently mothers. Seven were white, two were black, and one was Asian. One of the white women was some sort of computer nerd chick with long pink hair and zany clothes. But generally we seemed pretty normal. And we were all sitting together, with nothing but our dicks in our hands, so to speak. The tension in the room was thick, and no one wanted to be the one to break the silence. I sure as hell wasn't going to do it. We talked generally, just little conversations about stupid things. Time passed and we felt ever more awkward. Finally, after nearly ten minutes, a woman spoke. It was one of the black women, a short woman in her mid-thirties with short hair and large breasts.

"I had to cancel a vacation. We were going to the beach and I'd been working out so I'd fit in this bikini. But I couldn't imagine going now, wearing something so tight and revealing," she said to no one in particular. That broke the dam. Soon there were stories about feeling awkward while being in public, about difficult conversations with friends and doctors, and an entire chronicle of embarrassment and alienation. And I realized that less than 24-hours ago I would be having this same sort of conversation. All of my regrets and everything else. But I didn't know that I felt that way anymore, I knew I didn't want to. Finally, the Asian woman, in her late twenties, broke through the final barrier in our conversation, and spoke about sex.

"My husband hasn't touched me since it happened," she said and I looked around and saw nodding heads, "I don't blame him though. I mean I wouldn't want to sleep with him if he spontaneously grew a vagina. But the problem is..." she started. And everyone knew what was hanging on her lip, but no one wanted to speak. I decided to take the plunge, to say the last thing that needed to be said.

"But you want it more than ever?" I asked. And there was a sort of pandemonium in the room. Women were talking about their uncontrollable sexual desires and the sort of the strange situations that it had led them to.

"I have to...masturbate ten times a day, at least, to keep from doing something really stupid," one mother of four said.

"I find that I don't even want my husband," another woman said, "All I can think about it women."

"I had sex with a woman," the pink haired girl said, "I'd never had any urge to do it before, but all of the sudden it was all I could think of. And once I did it, I couldn't get her to leave me alone. She drove me to the airport when I came here to the conference."

"I slept with my daughter's teacher," another woman said, "It was a parent teacher conference, I didn't even know how it was happening until it happened."

"I had sex with my husband's sisters. Both of them," another woman said, "It was a family reunion. I can't explain it. I was talking with one and then it happened. I was dazed and walked across the way and started talking to another sister and it happened again." More and more stories like this. And all of them, expressing surprise and more importantly guilt. Everyone felt they'd done something wrong.

"Did you all masturbate before these encounters?" I asked, suddenly realizing what was happening. There was nodding, "Did you wash your hands or just lick your fingers afterwards?" There was some uncomfortable hemming and hawing, but then it was clear they had not washed their hands.

"So what?" the pink haired girl asked.

"So, you know what they said about our cum, it causes a reaction in women. You touched your sisters-in-law," I said to the woman who'd confessed to that transgression, "Maybe just touched their hand with yours and then they couldn't control themselves. And you weren't really in a position to stop them." There was a dawning of understanding in the group and they all seemed to recognize the power they had over women, and they seemed a little nervous about it. We were quiet again for a moment. We weren't talking about any of the stuff ConPharmaMax wanted us to talk about. But everyone felt good bitching. And finding out that we all suffered from the same stuff.