Angel's Love

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Sunlight streams into our room, caressing all it touches;

Glimmering in her hair, casting her skin in a glow akin to gold;

Her lips shimmering with the slightest moisture, glazed like a field of grass at daybreak;

And her smile, so warm and free, comforting and enchanting;

Reaching out to me, wrapping me in her gentle embrace;

Taking my soul, swathing it in a cloth that can never be touched by fear or despair;

Shielding me from darkness, bathing me in her angel’s light;

With her I shall always be free, to love and laugh;

Forever, us alone here in our room, bathed in sunlight that dreams of matching her brilliance;

I would wait forever and never know the touch of another if it meant I could spend one passing moment in her arms;

I shall love and dream of her arms around me and her ample breast to rest against;

I love her my sweetest Irish lass, more than all the riches in the world;

I’ll talk to her soon, this blessed angel who has saved me from pain and lifted me up on the wings of love and hope;

Until I hear her sweet voice, like honey and pure sugar cane;

Good night, my Angel.

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LeBrozLeBrozover 17 years ago

The world seen through love's prism is a spectacular place.


st_george_1938st_george_1938almost 20 years ago

When you love . .you love hard. This poem endears the fact that irregardless of your other writings, you're a very sincere, Loving Lady first and foremost.

You give not only of your heart but completely, totally, and unselfishly of yourself

You poured not only your heart into this poem but also the very inner being of your soul.

The one to love you so will most undoubtedly be the Luckiest Person on this planet . .because the imagination of the love in which you will return this person will be ten fold.