
Thanks to all who read and provide me with the encouragement to continue this strange little endeavor I've stumbled into.

I have four series out currently and I'd highly recommend reading them in the following order (which follows their chronological release dates):

Senior Week
Freshman (in progress)

This has been a fun journey but we're not done yet. Thanks again for your support! I love you all!


1/3/19 Update:

Happy New Year!

Well, it's been a while, huh? First and foremost, I apologize for my absence and radio silence. As a long-time reader of Lit before I ever dared any attempt at writing, it was always sad and/or annoying when an author I enjoyed disappeared into thin air. And when I submitted my first story, I swore that would never be me. Unless I got hit by that bus, you’d all be getting a note when I was done.

However, life happens. Like many others I'm sure, I'm just an amateur author. I do have a real job and a lot of other responsibilities. Time is precious and the ability to devote oneself to everything sufficiently is not always possible.

But, while it was my lack of time that pulled me away initially, there were other reasons why it was hard to resume. It might sound corny, but it was about this time last year when the wave of #metoo really seemed to take hold. I've always been a little anxious about my writing here; it has been a surreal process from the start. I've received feedback that my stories (and "treatment" of Rachel) are demeaning to women and that is not something I take lightly. And as the metoo movement hit its fever pitch, I really questioned whether or not I was contributing to a toxic culture by writing about themes that involved (at times) distress and the pressuring into consent. I think there is a lot of positivity I try to express through Rachel. A lot of strength and pushback against norms I consider unhealthy. And the idea that perhaps I was just making things worse was very troubling.

So I wrestled with that for a long time and even considered deleting my account and works. But ultimately, what I write is fiction and I believe there is a healthy place for fantasy even as it toes (or crosses) the line into less wholesome areas. I appreciate every single one of you who have written me encouraging notes or repeatedly asked that I resume. I feel bad about not responding or giving an update but I honestly didn’t know what I’d be doing and I didn’t want to say something until I had something to say. But I do enjoy writing for myself and for you all. So that is what I will try my best to keep doing.

Please bear in mind that I kind of full-stopped at where I was on 'Freshman' so it might take some time to get everything up and running again. I have not finished the series at all although there are a couple chapters that were very near completion. One is done now. I will submit it this weekend.

Cheers to you all and thanks for reading. I hope 2019 is your best year yet.


2/15/19 Update:

I just submitted Chapter 6. So I’m guessing it will pop up over the weekend or early next week. I’ve also finished the next few chapters as well so hopefully we can get back to a somewhat regular schedule.

I appreciate each and every note I received from you all regarding the above update and my return to action. Some were very heartfelt and touching. And all were positive and made me want to keep writing.

Thanks again for reading.

5/12/19 Update:

Hey all! So the next chapter isn’t finished yet. It’s a two-parter and it’s been a bit of a slog. It also sets up a lot of the rest of the story so I want to get it right. On the positive side, I’ve mapped out the rest of Freshman. Think it’s going to be about 5-7 more chapters.

I’ll update when submissions are ready. I appreciate your patience. And Happy Mother’s Day!

Author Stats

8 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
24My Comments
4Series Published

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